Another World leverages automation for powerful gaming experience with Dispatch

by Esprezzo Team on January 29, 2024


Another World is building an open-world blockchain game on the Optimism network, inspired by Ready Player One. Their team aims to push the boundaries of blockchain-enabled gaming and lean into cutting-edge technologies such as Unreal Engine 5. Another World integrates popular NFT collections across Bored Ape Yacht Club, CloneX, and Azuki, transforming the 2D art style into fully animated, playable 3D characters.


Bored Ape NFT character in Another World game. Source: Another World


Custom indexing for leaderboards and manual smart contract monitoring burn mission-critical game development time

Like many indie game developers, the Another World team is hyper-focused on core gameplay, hosting tournaments and quest development to keep players engaged. However, they were forced to build custom internal tooling without a dedicated Web3 data team to index and stream real-time on-chain activity across their gaming NFTs and smart contracts for real-time game prizes such as ApeCoin ($APE) and Optimism ($OP).

Lacking observability into key activities and metrics also created critical blindspots that could hide issues or hinder visibility into player engagement. Seeking to achieve their larger vision, they looked for a simple way to automate and monitor gaming smart contract activity,  along with real-time notifications to drive players back into the game.

Quote card from Another World founder and Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT

Client Objectives:

  • Gain player awareness into all on-chain gaming activities like reward deposits, distributions, transfers, and quest completions.
  • Receive real-time alerts when important gaming events occur like initializing token airdrops or when new quests have been initiated
  • Free up limited engineering bandwidth from manual smart contract tracking
  • Accelerate game development velocity
  • Keep the gamer community engaged across key social channels

Solution: Automated monitoring of blockchain gaming activity with Dispatch



An example of creating a Patch for Another World’s Game Prize contract


Phase 1: Adding Another World’s Game Prize smart contracts to Dispatch

Dispatch provided a simple no-code interface for Another World to link their game prize smart contracts in minutes. Once they’ve added their smart contracts to Dispatch, they were able to quickly configure alerts triggered by key smart contract events like when a new token is transferred or tournament wallet balance changes.

Phase 2: Create designated Telegram bots

To boost community engagement and internal coordination, Another World used Dispatch to create Telegram bots that automatically notify their team and players when important gameplay events happen on-chain. These real-time alerts let Another World get alerts for new quests, token transfers, and other activities while keeping their community excited and involved every step of the way. By closing the loop between backend blockchain data and frontend community participation, Another World strengthened player adoption and visibility across their player base and internal team.

Phase 3: Enhanced game oversight

Dispatch gave Another World an easy way to see in-game activity across their game, such as: on-chain prize balance changes, quests completed, tokens airdropped, and tournament launches. This insight into key metrics helped the team tweak and improve the game based on actual in-game data and actions rather than guessing.


Unlocking bandwidth: Another World engineers gain time to build innovative game loops


With Dispatch, Another World gains visibility into their gameplay activities via automated alerts sent directly to their Discord and Telegram channels, where the team and community already spend most of their time. Additionally, the team has experimented with driving deeper engagement through Dispatch data streams to keep the community involved with real-time tournament activity ultimately encouraging players to get back into the game and maintain a strong retention rate.

  • Free up game developer time: Automated alerts and the elimination of manual event tracking freed up engineering time, enabling them to focus on enhancing key game features.
  • Deeper gamer insights: Real-time alerts, data streams, and dashboards covering quest and token activity provide deeper visibility without the need to write custom code and filters.
  • Grow and engage their gamer community: Key contract alerts posted directly into Discord and Telegram channels helped drive gamer engagement, momentum, and hype around players' gameplay activity.


Through Dispatch, Another World has successfully eliminated the manual tracking of on-chain gaming activity, providing their team valuable time to improve in-game features and attract a growing player base. Dispatch’s real-time smart contract monitoring provides visibility into gaming progression, adoption, token activity, and more. As the Another World team continues to expand their offering across new networks, innovative smart contracts, and next-gen gaming experiences, they plan to lean further into Dispatch to suit their automation, alerting, and data needs.

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