Setoros Founder on Valuable Lessons from Building a Web3 Startup

By Esprezzo Team on October 25, 2023

Can the world of sports betting break free from geographical boundaries and local regulations? Setoros Protocol says 'yes'.

Welcome to the third episode of Web3 Mavericks, where we share insights from the innovative minds shaping the frontiers of Web3 gaming, phygital experiences, betting protocols, and more. In this episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Tsuigeo, the visionary behind Setoros Protocol, a decentralized sports betting platform built on Base.

Topics: Partnerships , Web3 Mavericks

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Web3 Mavericks: Exiled Racers on Creating Fun Games with Better Onboarding

By Esprezzo Team on May 20, 2023

Welcome to the second episode of Web3 Mavericks, where we share insights from leaders and teams building innovative products and services in gaming, NFTs, and phygital experiences.

In this episode, we chat with Sumeet Patel, the Founder and Head of Product at Exiled Racers, a futuristic NFT racing game. Before starting Exiled Racers, Sumeet contributed to the development of the algorithm behind FICO’s Risk Score and was one of LinkedIn’s early data science team hires.

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Web3 Mavericks: Bringing unparalleled experiences to fans with Endstate

By Esprezzo Team on April 11, 2023

Welcome to our Web3 Mavericks series, where we bring you insights from leaders and teams building some of the most innovative products and services in gaming, NFTs, and phygital experiences.

In our first episode, we talk with Bennett Collen, the Co-Founder and CEO of lifestyle brand Endstate about creating unique and memorable fan experiences at the intersection of physical and digital with NFTs.

In our conversation, Bennett talks about how Endstate is using sneakers and NFTs to connect fans to their passions in a unique and memorable way, as well as how the company is tackling the challenges of building a phygital lifestyle brand in Web3.

We had a great time chatting with Bennett and we're thrilled to share the video and transcript with you, so you can learn more about Endstate's journey and vision for the future of fan engagement in Web3.

Topics: Web3 Mavericks

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