Product Preview: STO Manager Application Template

by Esprezzo Team on April 12, 2019

Esprezzo STO Manager App Template Preview ImageOne of our primary goals at Esprezzo is to create tools that make it less complex and time-consuming to create and manage modern web and decentralized apps. For developers, this often means getting common boilerplate code and services out of the way by relying on tested and proven implementations of things like authentication, user accounts, application structure, compiler/transpiler pipelines etc. There are tools attempting to solve these problems to various degrees by offering web frameworks with plugins, or completely serverless backend solutions that replace the database and server-side app layer with a REST API.

One way we are making it easier and faster to create and deploy apps is by building a library of front-end application templates that integrate seamlessly with Esprezzo’s open source application engine as well as our hosted API offering. This means you will be able to download an open source, customizable application that already has most of the features you need and customize it with your branding and any features that may be unique to your project's needs. The first of these will be a Security Token Offering (STO) Manager application template.

This template will allow anyone that would like to securitize an existing physical asset, or create a new digital asset, to get started quickly and easily. We are taking a different approach to rapid application development: by helping people deploy the most commonly used smart contract standards (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1404 etc.) easily and affordably by providing freely deployable tools as well as streamlined hosted tools in situations where a user or business does not want to run their own infrastructure, which can become complex depending on the company's available resources.

We're building Esprezzo to be a very open ecosystem with tools that can be mixed and matched based on developer skill level, desired speed to market, and the demands of any given project.

On the more do-it-yourself end of the spectrum, a developer or company with full stack and infrastructure resources should be able to run our entire stack completely on their own with no reliance on our network or infrastructure whatsoever. The technical complexity that comes with building and maintaining a network architecture to support a service-based hybrid blockchain application can prevent projects from getting off the ground. The pain can be reduced by using packaging and container tools like Docker, but even for a basic application, you still need to configure an application/container host, one or more database servers, various blockchain nodes, secure gateways/reverse proxies, load balancers and more.

For projects and developers that are looking for a more turnkey solution, our hosted platform service will be focused on making it easier and faster to get to market: simply download and configure a simple web application template that uses Esprezzo’s hosted API as a backend. Similar to the ease of use and flexibility presented by a Wordpress or Drupal template this method requires little or no server-side or backend programming knowledge.

In addition, for each language we support, our intuitive and idiomatic environments make short work of customizing Esprezzo application templates with your brand identity, additional web components etc. After customizing the design and/or functionality of the app, you’ll simply connect your application to the Esprezzo back end via the Esprezzo API to interact with smart contracts on various chains as well as off-chain data and services.

Are you a developer interested in experimenting with building applications that talk to blockchains? Please consider joining our private beta; it's free!

The first template and smart contract package we are releasing will enable users to easily deploy and manage an STO based on the ERC-20 and ERC-1404 proposal and standards definitions.

Here’s a preview of the dashboard for the boilerplate STO manager application:

STO Manager Dashboard

Once you have deployed a Security Token Smart Contract Template either manually or by using Esprezzo’s no-code visual smart contract creator, this app template will make it easy to set up your STO Manager application for viewing and managing campaign progress as well as investor details. This includes wallet addresses, investment date, token allocation, KYC date and more.

Our products and services exist to accelerate and streamline the process of taking product ideas from inception to production. Along with a library of open source front-end starter apps, the Esprezzo platform will include a performant and semantically consistent multi-chain API, easily deployable standards-based smart contract templates, an off-chain/serverless NoSQL data service, turnkey authentication, and more. Esprezzo will support the Perkle blockchain initially, with Ethereum and others to follow based on demand.

If you’re interested in experimenting with building blockchain-integrated apps, we're now accepting applications for our private developer beta!

And if there are other frontend templates you’d like to see, drop us a line and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

Join the beta waitlist!

Topics: Product updates

Esprezzo Team
Esprezzo Team

We're on a mission to make it easier and faster for anyone to use blockchain data to drive decisions and workflow automations. Whether you're a DeFi enthusiast, crypto trader or developer building revolutionary blockchain-based applications, we're here to help you bring your vision to reality.

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