Quionie Gaban

Quionie Gaban
Quionie is Esprezzo's Content Marketing Manager. Prior to Esprezzo, Quionie specialized in various content marketing and growth strategy roles within the blockchain and media industry.
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Dispatch update: Discord Crypto Alerts, Polygon and QuickSwap Alerts are Live

By Quionie Gaban on July 21, 2022

As we approach the end of July, we're back with two new exciting Dispatch updates: beta testers can now get crypto alerts in Discord, and Polygon triggers are live! We’re happy to expand the number of data sources and ways you can receive alerts as we gather more feedback.

Topics: Product updates

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New: Get Pangolin DEX alerts with Esprezzo Dispatch!

By Quionie Gaban on July 7, 2022

We’re eager to introduce the first Avalanche DEX we’ve integrated into Dispatch: Pangolin, a community-driven decentralized exchange with over 15 billion dollars in total volume. This Dispatch integration enables you to get Pangolin DEX alerts so you don’t have to worry about missing new projects as soon as they come online.

Topics: Partnerships

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Polygon Integration Coming to Dispatch

By Quionie Gaban on June 30, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Dispatch will soon support Polygon! This integration means that in addition to Ethereum and Avalanche, Dispatch beta users will be able to get real-time market alerts and data from the Polygon ecosystem.

Topics: Partnerships

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Permissionless Conference 2022 Highlights

By Quionie Gaban on May 31, 2022

A little over a week ago, we joined over 5,000 attendees at Permissionless in Palm Beach. Despite the state of the markets, the conference was filled with interesting talks, demos, enthusiasm, and excitement about what’s to come with Web3. Here are just a few highlights from this excellent event.

Topics: Events

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Esprezzo Updates: Dispatch, Partnerships, and New Features

By Quionie Gaban on May 12, 2022

It's been a while since we've updated you on our progress. Although we've been rather quiet, the Esprezzo team has been heads-down building! With new hires, product development, and new partnerships, we've taken massive steps forward. 

Topics: Product updates

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